• With this privacy policy, written pursuant to and for the purposes of articles 12 and 13 European Regulation 27 April 2016, n. 679, ELEONORA FIRENZE SHOES di Leonor Cecilia Mendez in its capacity of  Data Controller, wishes to provide its users/visitors with all the information necessary in order to allow them to understand how their personal data will be processed following the conferment through the site.
    • Changes and updates will be effective as soon as they are published on the website. In case of non-acceptance of the changes made to the Privacy Policy, the user shall stop using this website and may ask the Data Controller to delete his/her Personal Data.
      This disclosure can be subject to changes on account of the introduction of new regulations in this regard, therefore the user is invited to periodically check this page.
    • The information is provided only for and not for other websites that may be viewed by the user through links contained therein.
    • The purpose of this document is to provide indications on the methods, timing, and nature of the information that the data controllers must provide to the users when connecting to the web pages of, regardless of the purpose of the connection, according to the Italian and European legislation.
    • If the user is under the age of 16, in accordance with article 8, c.1 EU regulation 2016/679, he/she must legitimize his / her consent through the authorization of his/her parents or guardians.
    ELEONORA FIRENZE SHOES di Leonor Cecilia Mendez, Via Porta Rossa 7/R – 50123 Firenze, P.IVA 07210090481 – CF MNDLRC68A52Z604M
    There is currently no provision for the appointment of a Data Protection Officer.
    The data processing generated by the use of the website of takes place at the sede azienda.
    • The Data Controller processes the following types of Personal Data voluntarily provided by the users:
      • In the e-mails / faxes spontaneously sent to our addresses: the optional, explicit and voluntary submission of personal Data to the e-mail addresses or fax numbers published on the Site entails the subsequent acquisition of such Data, necessary to respond to requests sent in relation to our services (Article 6, paragraph 1, letter b) of the GDPR). The User is free to provide such Data. However, failure to provide them may prevent obtaining the information or service requested;
      • In the contact forms on the Site: filling out the “Contacts” form on the Site and submitting your personal Data entails the subsequent acquisition of such Data, necessary to respond to requests sent in relation to our services. The User is free to provide such Data. However, failure to provide them may prevent obtaining the information or service requested
      • When making calls to our telephone number: when you contact our telephone number, we may process personal Data, spontaneously communicated to us during the telephone conversation or reasonably requested by us, to respond to your requests and provide what is necessary. You are free to provide such Data. However, failure to provide them may make prevent obtaining is the information or service requested.
      • Fiscal and payment Data: tax code, VAT number, credit card data, bank account details, etc.
        Credit card data are processed by external payment services used by this site.
    • The Data Controller processes the following types of Personal Data collected in an automated manner:
      • Technical data: Personal data produced by the devices, applications, tools and protocols used, such as, for example, information on the device used, IP addresses, type of browser, type of Internet provider (ISP). Such Personal Data may leave traces which, in particular when combined with unique identifiers and other information received from servers, can be used to create profiles of natural persons
      • Browsing and use data of the Application : such as, for example, pages visited, number of clicks, actions performed, duration of sessions, etc.
      • Data relating to the exact position of the interested party : for example, geolocation data that accurately identify the position of the interested party that can be collected through the satellite network (eg GPS) and other means, collected with the consent of the interested party. The interested party can revoke the consent at any time.
    • Failure by the User to provide Personal Data for which there is a legal or contractual obligation or if they constitute a necessary requirement for the conclusion of the contract with the Data Controller, will make it impossible for the Data Controller to establish or continue the relationship with the Interested.
    • The interested party who communicates the Personal Data of third parties to the Data Controller is directly and exclusively responsible for their origin, collection, processing, communication or dissemination.
    • The processing of Personal Data is necessary: for the performance of the contract with the user and especially:
      • Fulfillment of any obligation arising from the pre-contractual or contractual relationship with the user.
      • Support and contact with the user: to answer the user’s requests
      • Management of payment: to manage payments by credit card, bank transfer or other methods
    • For legal obligations and especially:
      • The fulfilment of any obligation provided for by the applicable norms, laws and regulations, in particular, on tax and fiscal matters
    • For the legitimate interest of the Data Controller, for:
      • Marketing purposes by e-mail of products and/or services of the Data Controller to directly sell the Data Controller’s products or services using the email provided by the user in the context of the sale of a product or service similar to the one being sold
      • Security and anti-fraud: to guarantee the security of the Data Controller’s assets, infrastructures and networks
      • Anonymous data based statistics: in order to carry out statistical analysis on aggregated and anonymous data in order to analyze behaviors of the users to improve products and/or services provided by the Data Controller and better meet the expectations of the users.
    • On the basis the user’s consent, for:
      • Retargeting and remarketing: to reach with a customized advertisement the user who has already visited or shown interest in the products and/or services offered by the Application using his Personal Data.
      • Marketing purposes of the Data Controller’s products and/or services: to send information or commercial and/or promotional materials, to perform direct sales activities of the Data Controller’s products and/or services or to conduct market research with automated and traditional methods
    • Interactions with external web platforms or social networks
      • On the basis of the legitimate interest of the Data Controllerowner, the application allows interactions with external web platforms or social networks whose processing of personal data is governed by their respective privacy policies to which please refer. The interactions and information acquired by this Application are in any case subject to the privacy settings that the user has chosen on such platforms or social networks. Such information – in the absence of specific consent to processing for other purposes – is used exclusively to allow the use of the Application and to provide the information and services requested.
      • The user’s Personal Data may also be used by the Data Controller to protect itself in judicial proceedings before the competent courts.


    • The processing of Personal Data is performed via paper-based and computer tools with methods of organization and logics strictly related to the specified purposes and through the adoption of appropriate security measures.
    • Personal Data are processed exclusively by:
      • persons authorized by the Data Controller to process Personal Data who have committed themselves to confidentiality or have an appropriate legal obligation of confidentiality;
      • subjects that operate independently as separate data controllers or by subjects designated as data processors by the Data Controller in order to carry out all the processing activities necessary to pursue the purposes set out in this policy (for example, business partners, consultants, IT companies, service providers, hosting providers);
      • subjects or bodies to whom it is mandatory to communicate Personal Data by law or by order of the authorities.
    • The subjects listed above are required to use appropriate measures and guarantees to protect Personal Data and may only access data necessary to perform their duties.
    • Personal Data will not be indiscriminately shared in any way.
  2. PLACE
    • If necessary, Personal Data may be transferred to subjects located outside the territory of the European Economic Area (EEA). Whenever Personal Data is transferred outside the EEA, the Data Controller shall take all appropriate and necessary contractual measures to guarantee an approprieate level of protection for Personal Data, including – but not limited – to agreements based on the standard contractual clauses for the transfer of data outside the EEA, approved by the European Commission.
    • To obtain information on the specific guarantees adopted, the User may contact the Data Controller at the following e-mail address:
    • Personal Data will be stored for the period of time that is required to fulfill the purposes for which it was collected. In particular:
      • For purposes related to the execution of the contract between the Data Controller and the User, will be stored for the entire duration of the contractual relationship and, after termination, for the ordinary prescription period of 10 years. In the event of legal disputes, for the entire duration of such disputes, until the time limit for appeals has expired
      • For purposes related to legitimate interests of the Data Controller, they will be stored until the fulfilment of such interest
      • In compliance with legal obligations, by order of an authority and for legal protection, they shall be stored according to the relevant timeframes provided for by such obligations, regulations and, in any case, until the expiry of the prescriptive term provided for by the rules in force
      • For purposes based on the consent of the User, they will be stored until the consent is revoked
    • At the end of the conservation period, all Personal Data will be deleted or stored in a form that does not allow the identification of the User.
    • Users may exercise specific rights regarding the Personal Data processed by the Data Controller. In particular, the User has the right to:
      • Be informed about the processing of their Personal Data
      • Withdraw consent at any time
      • Restrict the processing of his or her Personal Data
      • Object to the processing of their Personal Data
      • Access their Personal Data
      • Verify and request the rectification of their Personal Data
      • Restrict the processing of their Personal Data
      • Obtain the erasure of their Personal Data
      • Transfer their Personal Data to another data controller
      • File a complaint with the Personal Data protection supervisory authority and/or take legal action.
    • In order to use their rights, Users may send a request to the following e-mail address: Requests will be immediately treated by the Data Controller and processed as soon as possible, in any case within 30 days.
    • This document, published at the address: represents the privacy policy of this site.
    • This document might be subject to changes or updates. Users are invited to periodically consult this page to keep up to date with the latest legal news.
    • The document was updated on 07/12/2022 to comply with the relevant regulations, and especially in compliance with EU Regulation 2016/679.



The following information concerning the use of cookies and similar technologies on the site, is provided to the user/visitor in compliance with European and Italian legislation on the processing of personal data and electronic communications by the following Data Controllers: ELEONORA FIRENZE SHOES di Leonor Cecilia Mendez, Via Porta Rossa 7/R – 50123 Firenze, P.IVA 07210090481 – CF MNDLRC68A52Z604M
For information or any requests regarding the use of cookies and similar technologies on this Site please contact ELEONORA FIRENZE SHOES di Leonor Cecilia Mendez to the following e-mail address:

  1. WHAT COOKIES ARECookies are small text strings that are stored on the User’s device when surfing the net. Cookies are intended to collect and store information relating to the User in order to make the Application simpler, faster and more responsive to his requests.The term cookie refers to both the same cookies and all similar technologies.The User can block cookies, delete or disable them in the device or browser settings as indicated below in the paragraph on “Cookie management”.
    This Application uses the following cookies:

    • First-party technical cookies: these are cookies that belong to the Application Owner and that collect User data accessible only to the Owner. The Application uses these cookies to carry out activities strictly necessary for the functioning of the Application and the provision of the service or to collect information, in aggregate and anonymous form, for statistical purposes. These cookies do not profile the User. The user’s consent is not required for the use of these cookies.
    • Third-party cookies: these are cookies that belong to external suppliers and over which the Application Owner has no direct control. These cookies collect User data that are accessible to the cookie provider. Depending on their purpose, these cookies can carry out activities that are strictly necessary for the operation of the Application, collect data to create a personal profile of the User or be set for other purposes and methods of treatment. For more information, we recommend that you carefully consult the privacy policies of the cookie suppliers listed below:
      • Facebook Ads conversion tracking (Facebook pixel)
        Facebook Ads conversion tracking (Facebook pixel) is a service provided by Facebook, Inc. which provides statistics and tracks the User’s actions after he clicks on the ads managed by Facebook.
        For the use of these cookies the prior consent of the User is required.
        For more information, see the page:
      • Facebook sharing
        Facebook uses cookies to offer the User sharing and “like” functionality on their wall. Provided by Facebook, Inc.
        For the use of these cookies the prior consent of the User is required.
        For more information, see the page:
      • Facebook Remarketing
        Facebook Remarketing is a service provided by Facebook, Inc. that connects the activity of this Application with the Facebook advertising network.
        For the use of these cookies the prior consent of the User is required.
        For more information, see the page:
      • Google AdWords with conversion tracking
        Google AdWords with conversion tracking is the service of Google Inc. which tracks the User’s actions after he clicks on the advertisements managed by Google.
        For the use of these cookies the prior consent of the User is required.
        For more information, see the page:
      • Google Adwords Remarketing
        Google Adwords Remarketing is a service provided by Google Inc. that uses cookies to study and improve advertising in order to send the User messages in line with their interests. Remarketing helps to reach Users who have visited the Application.
        For the use of these cookies the prior consent of the User is required.
        For more information, see the page:
      • Google Analytics with anonymized IP
        Google Analytics is a statistical analysis service provided by Google Inc. which uses cookies to measure visits and use of the Application by Users. Google declares that the data collected does not allow the User to be profiled as it receives the IP address of the anonymized Users and other anonymous data that cannot identify the User. For the use of these cookies the prior consent of the User is not required.
        For more information, see the page:
      • Widget Google Maps (Google Inc.)
        Google Maps is a map visualization service managed by Google Inc. which allows this site to indicate the place where the company is located.
        For more information, see the page:
      • Google Fonts (Google Inc.)
        Google Fonts is a service that allows you to upload characters (fonts) to improve the appearance of the site through the use of style sheets. The service is managed by Google Inc. The use of Google Fonts does not require authentication.
        For more information, see the page:
      • WPML
        WPML manages the translation of site posts, and any navigation language preferences. It does not collect profiling data
      • PayPal
        PayPal Inc. allows the User to make payments online.For the use of these cookies, the prior consent of the User is required.
        For further information, visit:
    Cookies have a duration dictated by the expiration date or by a specific action, such as closing the browser set at the time of installation. Cookies can be:

    • temporary or session: they are used to store temporary information, allow you to connect the actions performed during a specific session and are removed from the User’s device when the browser is closed;
    • persistent: they are used to store information, such as the login name and password, so as to avoid the User having to type them again each time he visits a specific site. These remain stored in the User’s device even after closing the browser.

Profiling cookies are stored on the User’s device for a period not exceeding 12 months. At the expiry of this term, the banner will be re-proposed to the User through which it will be necessary to give consent to the use of these cookies again.

  1. MANAGEMENT OF COOKIESThe User can manage the preferences relating to cookies directly within his browser and prevent third parties from installing cookies. Through the browser preferences it is also possible to delete the cookies installed in the past, including the cookie in which the consent was eventually saved. By disabling all cookies, the operation of this Application may be compromised.The User can delete all the cookies on his device by simply selecting, on his browser, the settings that allow him to refuse them. Each browser has specific configuration instructions which can be found on the browser provider’s website at the following links:

Furthermore, third-party cookies can be deleted by requesting the opt-out directly from third parties or through the website , where it is possible to manage the tracking preferences of most of the advertising tools.

To change the settings relating to Flash cookies, you can click on the following link .

  1. USER RIGHTSUsers can exercise certain rights with reference to the personal data processed by the Data Controller. In particular, the User has the right to:
    • withdraw consent at any time;
    • oppose the processing of their personal data;
    • access their personal data;
    • verify and request rectification;
    • obtain the limitation of the treatment;
    • obtain the cancellation or removal of their personal data;
    • receive their personal data or have them transferred to another owner;
    • lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority for the protection of personal data and / or take legal action.

To exercise these rights, write to the Data Controller: to the following e-mail address:
Requests are made free of charge and processed by the Data Controller as soon as possible, in any case within 30 days.

Further information regarding the processing of personal data can be found in the privacy policy at the following link:

Last updated: 07/12/2022